
All scholarly articles published in the Journal of Political Risk (JPR) are subject to peer review by a panel of three reviewers, usually doctorate-level by degree or experience. Prior to peer review, and upon approval of the Senior Editor, papers may be published as Journal of Political Risk Working Papers. The status of each article is published at the bottom of that article. News reports and opinion essays are not subject to peer review. Papers written by artificial intelligence or with a high AI score are not accepted for publication. The peer review process is double-blind, meaning that reviewers and reviewed do not know the other’s identity. Reviewers are asked to answer the following questions for each article: 1) How strongly do you recommend that the article be published, on a scale from 1-10 (with 10 being the strongest recommendation for publication)? 2) What are the strengths of the article? 3) What are the weaknesses of the article? 4) Is the article academically rigorous? How could the article be made more rigorous? 5) What other changes would you recommend? 6) Does the article have original ideas and represent an original contribution to the academic and other literature on political risk? 7) Does the article match the intended audience (investors, academics, government officials, and non-profit organizations with an interest in political risk)?

Audience: The audience for the Journal of Political Risk is mostly composed of investors, government officials, academics, and non-profit organizations with an interest in stability and the limitation of political risk to investments. Economic sectors of particular interest are finance, oil, gas, minerals, mining, retail, real estate, sovereign debt,  supply-chain, and manufacturing.

Length: Articles may be any length, but are generally from 500-10,000 words (2-25 pages double-spaced). Articles longer than 500 words must have an executive summary. Timely blog, editorial, or commentary posts of any length may also be submitted for publication.

Graphics: The Journal of Political Risk publishes at least one photo, table, or graphic per article. Photos must be relevant to the article, and as recent as possible. Graphs include, but are not limited to, bar graphs, scatterplots, regression-lines, and process diagrams.  Note that the author must have and confer copyright permission to the Journal of Political Risk in order for the graphic to be published.

Style: The tone of the Journal of Political Risk is formal, descriptive and predictive, not normative. Contributors should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). Documentation should be according to the CMS Documentation I method (footnotes with optional bibliography). Electronic sources should include all regular documentation, plus a working link and access date. Authors should archive electronic sources in case the content changes and documentation is required. As a convenience, authors may initially submit articles that do not comply with CMS. For a brief selection of the most frequent points of confusion with CMS style, please click here.

Copyright: By providing content or material to the Journal of Political Risk, the author pledges that the material is previously unpublished, and that the author has the right to publish the material. The author confers full copyright, including the sole right to publish the material, electronically, by subscription, in print and otherwise, to the Journal of Political Risk. Prior to submission of material, authors should check their work at this link to ensure that it does not duplicate existing copyrighted material. All graphs, diagrams, and photos from other sources must be properly cited, and written permission must be provided to the Journal of Political Risk. We are usually happy to grant authors the right to republish their works as part of full-length print books or monographs, with acknowledgement of the Journal of Political Risk. We also encourage republication of the abstract, with a link to the full article. However, we typically do not allow substantial duplication of the material on the internet.

Deadlines: The Journal of Political Risk is published on a rolling basis. Article submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, and there are no deadlines.

Remuneration and Credit: Unless otherwise communicated in writing, the Journal of Political Risk does not offer remuneration for content. In certain instances a particular author may be offered an honorarium for his or her contribution. Writers and organizations will always be credited for their work, including a by-line and one-sentence biography at the end of the article (to be written by the Editor). Journal of Political Risk editors and substantive contributors will be credited with a statement at the end of each article, such as, “John Smith contributed to this article,” or, “John Smith edited this article.”

Contact and submission guidelines: Original submissions may be sent to the editor of the Journal of Political Risk, at [email protected]. Authors will receive an initial acceptance of the article within three days, after which in-house editors suggest changes to the author. The paper is then published as a Working Paper, and sent for peer review. After changes are received from the author in response to three peer reviews, the paper is considered peer-reviewed. Because of the extensive work that is committed to each article by the editors, we ask that authors not simultaneously submit their articles to other publications.